How to Divide and Conquer Your Life

By: Eszter C.

Phillip II of Macedon, Julius Caesar, and Napolean Bonaparte have been using these strategies to build their legendary empires. The reason why this approach was so successful, was because it discouraged subjects from forming alliances to rebel against the authorities. The subdivisions could focus on their subjects and immediately report or deal with any troubles. Divide and conquer is a phenomenal strategy for emperors, kings, and chief executives, but we can also reap its benefits my implementing it into our own lives.

Individuals can use the divide and conquer strategy by taking large projects and dividing them into actionable tasks like writing a blog post. A lengthy article has many steps to it, including researching, writing, and editing. All of these tasks are swept under the large assignment of "write a blog post" in a to-do list. However, the hours tick by, but the checkbox doesn't get ticked. The task is too intimidating compared to the other attractive easy tasks. Writing a blog post can also become a tempting and easy task by dividing it up into manageable chunks. Instead of "write a blog post", it could be "pick an intriguing topic". If that also seems like an intangible task, break it down even more. Divide a project into smaller tasks, and then knock them out one by one. Breaking up daunting responsibilities allows for greater attention to detail and it helps get the ball rolling. Creating subdivisions of larger endeavors mean the project is more likely to be finished and completed. If something is not working, it's easier to locate the problem and then fix the conflict directly.

All in all, this strategy has stood the test of time for a reason. Divide and conquer is effective, quick, and successful. By splitting up dreaded undertakings, we can conquer new territories and explore new heights.

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